Theme: Unwinding Better Practices to Counteract Environmental Toxicity
Environmental Toxicology 2016
We are delighted to welcome you at the ‘International Conference on Environmental Toxicology and Ecological Risk Assessment’ on “Unwinding Better Practices to Counteract Environmental Toxicity” by ConferenceSeries Ltd to be held in Phoenix,USA during September 12-13, 2016.
Environmental Toxicology is highly interdisciplinary fields encompassing several fields like Environmental Biochemistry, physiology, ecology, microbiology, molecular genetics, genomics etc., Main analyses are made by conducting several lab works and field environment i.e., exposure and risk assessment. The Conference embraces several parameters of Environmental Toxicology Conference and Ecological Risk Assessment works. It depends upon factors such as modeling of fate and transport of toxicants.
The environmental toxins which cause the most problems are pesticides, solvents and heavy metals. The primary damage caused by the solvents and major pesticide classes is to disrupt neurological function. In addition to being neurotoxic, these compounds are profoundly immunotoxic and are often toxic to the endocrine system as well. Heavy metal toxicity depends on several factors including the dose, route of exposure, and chemical species, as well as the age, gender, genetics, and nutritional status of exposed individuals. Because of their high degree of toxicity, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury rank among the priority metals that are of public health significance. These metallic elements are considered systemic toxicants that are known to induce multiple organ damage, even at lower levels of exposure. Insecticides such as DDT's are very dangerous because they accumulate in fat tissues of lower animals and then enter the food chains. They have been restricted for decades. PCB's are stable and unreactive fluids that are used as hydraulic fluids, coolant/ insulation fluids in transformers and plasticizers in paints. There are many different PCB's. None of them are water-soluble. In many countries PCB's are restricted due to Environmental Toxicology USA.
Related Environmental Toxicity Conferences | Conferences on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring | Conferences on Pharmacology
6th Euro-Global Summit on Toxicology conference & Applied Pharmacology October 27-29 2016, Italy; 5th Global Conference on Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology September 19-21 2016, USA; 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmacology & Ethnopharmacology May 02-04 2016, USA; 2nd International Conference on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicogenomics June 09-10 2016, USA; 7th World Congress on Bioavailability & Bioequivalence: BA/BE Studies Summit August 29-31 2016, Atlanta; 18th International Conference on Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology May 23-24 2016, London; 3rd Environmental Toxicology Conference on Economic Impact on Sustainable Development June 8-10 2016, Spain; ICER-16- 8th International Congress of Environmental Research July 27-28 2016, Germany; 8th Conference on European Public Health October 14-17 2015, Italy; 52nd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology September 04-07 2016, Turkey, Society of Toxicology; Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; Society of Forensic Toxicology.
Ecotoxicology is the environmental science sub-discipline that melds the fields of ecology and fields of toxicology. Major issues addressed by ecotoxicological studies include chemical substance transport (that is, their movement in the environment), fate (for example, biotransformation), and effects (examples include lethality, endocrine disruption and bioaccumulation) within ecological systems. Biomonitoring is an important tool in ecotoxicology for humans as well as wildlife. Ecology is the study of environmental systems, or as it is sometimes called, the economy of nature. "Environmental" usually means relating to the natural versus human-made world; the "systems" means that ecology is, by its very nature, not interested in just the components of nature individually but especially in how the parts interact. Ecology is divided into physiological ecology, population ecology, community ecology, ecosystems ecology,toxicity testing.
Related Ecotoxicology Conferences | Conference on Earth Science | Conference on Pollution Control
International Conference on Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment April 25-26 2016, UAE; 2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling July 25-27 2016, Germany; 5th International Conference on Earth Science & Climate Change July 25-27 2016, Thailand; 3rd International Conference on Past and Present Research Systems of Green Chemistry September 19-21 2016, USA; 6th Euro Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Congress October 27-29 2016, Italy; 8th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology June 20-24 Hong Kong; ECOTOX 2016 – XIV Brazilian Congress of Ecotoxicology September 07-10 2016, Brazil; 12th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens (ICEM) November 5-9 2017, Korea; The XIV International Toxicology (ICTXIV) October 02-06 2016, Mexico; ICER-16- 8th International Congress of Environmental Research July 27-28 2016, Germany, SECOTOX - Society of Ecotoxicology; Ecetoc - European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals; ASE - Australasian Society for Ecotoxicology.
Occupational toxicology deals with the chemicals found in the workplace. The major emphasis of occupational toxicology is to identify the agents of concern, identify the acute and chronic diseases that they cause, define the conditions under which they may be used safely, and prevent absorption of harmful amounts of these chemicals. Occupational toxicologists may also define and carry out programs for the surveillance of exposed workers and the environment in which they work. To evaluate the risks of adverse health effects from chemicals, one must be aware of the routes of entry into the body, duration of exposure, toxicity of the chemical, exposure limits, and odor threshold of the chemicals and microfluidic 3D hepatocyte chip for drug toxicity testing.
Related Occupational Toxicology Conferences | Conference on Protein Stabilisation | Summit on Healthcare
International Conference on Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment April 25-26 2016, UAE; International Conference on Environmental Health & Safety October 27-29 2016, Spain; 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health and Safety June 06-07 2016, USA; 4th Global Summit on Healthcare November 09-11 2015, UAE; 3rd Global Food Safety Conference September 01- 03 2016, USA; ICT 2016 18th International on Toxicology Conference February 25-26, 2016 UK; International Conference on Protein Stabilisation May 9-11, 2016, Turkey; WBC2016 -10th World Biomaterials Congress May 17-22 2016, Canada; 6th RSC / SCI symposium on GPCRs in Medicinal Chemistry June 13-15 2016, Italy; 18th International Toxicology Conference and Applied Pharmacology March 3-4 2016, Singapore; ICTAP 2016 : ICFBNS 2016 : 18th International Conference on Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences June 13-14 2016, Canada, Royal Society of Chemistry, Society of Occupational Medicine, British Toxicology Society
Regulatory Toxicology encompasses the collection, processing and evaluation of epidemiological as well as experimental toxicology data to permit toxicologically based decisions directed towards the protection of health against harmful effects of chemical substances and species selection in drug toxicity testing. Furthermore, Regulatory Toxicology supports the development of standard protocols and new toxicity testing methods in order to continuously improve the scientific basis for decision-making processes. The objective of the Working Group 'Regulatory Toxicology' within the Section of Toxicology of the 'German Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (DGPT)', is the transparent discussion and further development of the scientific principles of Regulatory Toxicology. Present methodologies for risk assessment should be evaluated with the objective of finding harmonised standards and accute toxicity testing.
Related Regulatory Toxicology Conferences | Conference on Metals | Health Economics
5th Global Pharmacovigilance Summit April 28-29, 2016,UAE; 6th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and IPR Sep 29- Oct 01 2016, USA; Global Health Economics Summit July 25-26 2016, Germany; 7th Health Care and Fitness Summit September 26-28 2016, UK; World Congress on Public Health and Nutrition March 10-12 2016, Spain; 52nd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology September 04-07 2016, Turkey; Sixth International Conference on Metals in Genetics, Chemical Biology and Therapeutics February 17-20 2016, India; Structure Based Drug Design Conference February 21 2016, United States; PROTSTAB2016 - 11th International Conference on Protein Stabilisation May 09-11 2016, Turkey; WBC2016 -10th World Biomaterials Congress May 17-22 2016, Canada; 6th RSC / SCI symposium on GPCRs in Medicinal Chemistry June 13-15 2016, Italy, International society for regulatory toxicology and pharmacology; SETAC - Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; ASPET - American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Toxicity of chemicals in water can be tested with aquatic animals as indicators. Toxicity testing with aquatic animals are mainly concerned with direct uptake from water to prevent accute toxicity testing. The chemicals may be in solution, in suspension or both. Aquatic organisms have played important roles as early warning and monitoring systems for pollutant burdens in our environment. However, they have significant potential to do even more, just as they have in basic biology where preparations like the squid axon have been essential tools in establishing physiological and biochemical mechanisms. Aquatic Toxicology deals with the mechanisms of toxicity and the responses to toxic agents in aquatic environments at the community, species, tissue, cellular, subcellular and molecular levels, including aspects of uptake, metabolism and excretion of toxicants. The aquatic testing includes accute toxicity testing and repeated dose toxicity to fresh water fish, acute immobilization and reproduction studies on Daphnia magna and effects on algal growth inhibition.
Related Aquatic Toxicology Conferences | Conference on Metals | Oceanography Conference
International Conference on Coastal Zones May 16-18 2016, Japan; International Conference on Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment April 25-26 2016, UAE; 5th International Conference on Biodiversity March 10-12 2016, Spain; 2nd Global Summit on Aquaculture & Fisheries July 11-13 2016, Malaysia; 4th International Conference on Oceanography & Marine Biology July 18-20 2016, Australia; Sixth International Conference on Metals in Genetics, Chemical Biology and Therapeutics February 17-20 2016, India; Structure Based Drug Design Conference February 21 2016, United States; WBC2016 -10th World Biomaterials Congress May 17-22 2016, Canada; 6th RSC / SCI symposium on GPCRs in Medicinal Chemistry June 13-15 2016, Italy; 18th International on Toxicology Conference and Applied Pharmacology July 25-26 2016, France;SETAC - Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; National Societies - Eurotox; ASPET - American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.
Stressors that are found in our surroundings are called environmental stressors. Four types of Environmental Stressors have been identified. They are Cataclysmic events, Stressful life events, Daily Hassles and Ambient Stressors. Cataclysmic events are sudden catastrophic events affects whole communities of people. Stressful life events are major incidents in the lives of the people that typically require personal or social adaptive response. Daily Hassles are the typical events of ordinary life that may cause frustration, hypertension or irritation. Ambient Stressors are continuous, relatively stable and intractable conditions of physical environment management. Many ambient stressors are unnoticed until they interfere with life and accute toxicity testing.
Related Environmental Stressors Conferences | Cardiothoracic Conference | Conference on Psychiatry
Annual Congress and Medicare Expo on Trauma & Critical Care March 07-09 2016, Spain; 7th World Cardiothoracic Meeting March 29-30 2016, USA; 2nd International Conference on Neurological disorders and Stroke April 28-30 2016, UAE; 2nd International Conference on Psychiatry and Psychiatric disorders May 02-04 2016, USA; 5th International Conference on Occupational Health and Safety June 06-07 2016, USA; ECCA European Climate Change Adaptation Conference May 10-13 2016, Netherlands; 21st International Interdisciplinary Conference On The Environment June 10-13 2015, USA; 20th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles June 13-16 2016, Switzerland; PARTEC - International Congress on Particle Technology April 19-21 2016, Germany; 34th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application May 4-8 2015, France,International society for regulatory toxicology and pharmacology; Society of Occupational Medicine; ASE - Australasian Society for Ecotoxicology
Pollutants ranging from simple inorganic ions to complex organic molecules. The water pollutants are all divided up into various classes. Every class of pollutants has its own specific ways of entering the environment and its own specific dangers. All classes have major pollutants in it that are known to many people, because of the various health effects with out food toxicity testing. The use of chemicals has increased dramatically due to the economic development in various sectors including industry, agriculture and transport. As a consequence, children are exposed to a large number of chemicals of both natural and man-made origin. Chemicals may have immediate, acute effects, as well as chronic effects, often resulting from long-term exposures.
Related Environmental Sciences Conferences | Conference on Marine Ecosystems | Conference on Biodiversity
International Conference on Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment April 25-26 2016, UAE; 5th International Conference on Biodiversity March 10-12 2016, Spain; World Congress on Public Health and Nutrition March 10-12 2016, Spain; 2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling July 25-27 2016, Germany; 5th International Conference on Earth Science & Climate Change July 25-27 2016, Thailand; ICEST 2016 : 18th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology April 11-12 2016, Italy; EcoWaste Exhibition January 18-21 2016, UAE; 2nd International Conference on Desalination and Environmental Toxicology Conference January 23-26 2016, Qatar; Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation February 01-05 2016, Portugal; 16th International Environment Toxicology Conference and Natural Science January 03 2016, Spain,ASPET - American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics; Society of Forensic Toxicology; SECOTOX - International Society of Ecotoxicolog
Scientific understanding of global warming is increasing. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported in 2014 that scientists were more than 95% certain that global warming is being caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases and other human (anthropogenic) activities.
Global temperature is subject to short-term fluctuations that overlay long-term trends and can temporarily mask them. The relative stability in surface temperature from 2002 to 2009, which has been dubbed the global warming hiatus by the media and some scientists, is consistent with such an episode. Recent updates to account for differing methods of measuring ocean surface temperature measurements show a significant positive trend over the recent decade.
Related Global Warming Conferences | Conference on Climate Change | Conference on Pollution Control
International Conference on Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment April 25-26 2016, UAE; 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health and Safety June 06-07 2016, USA; 4th Global Summit on Healthcare November 09-11 2015, UAE; ICCCGW 2016: 18th International Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming February 25 - 26, 2016; Global Conference on Global Warming 2016 (GCGW-16) May 15-18, 2016; Adaptation Futures 2016: Practices and Solutions May 10-13, 2016; Second Meeting of the UN Environment Toxicology Conference Assembly May 23-27, 2016 ,Society of Occupational Medicine; International society for regulatory toxicology and pharmacology; SETAC - Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Risk assessment mainly deals with identification of hazards, analyzing and evaluating the risks associated even with out following the food toxicity testing. The appropriate ways to curb or to control the hazards is also studied. The General Approaches to Risk assessment involves techniques help in creating awareness regarding the different potential hazards, identifying the people who pose the major risk due to the biohazards; formulate the control measures and prioritizing the hazards and control measures. The methods of hazard control can be mainly categorized under Elimination which also includes substitution, Environmental Engineering controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment. Risk Assessment involves a lot of documentation such as hazard review, risks associated with the hazards, control measures implemented accordingly.
Related Risk Assessment Conferences | Pharmacovigilance Conference | Conference on Risk Analysis
4th International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing November 02-04 2015, USA; Pharmaceutical Summit and Expo October 08-10 2015, India; 6th Pharmacovigilance Congress August 01-03 2016, Canada; International Conference on Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine May 02-03 2016, USA; 2nd International Conference on Clinical Trials August 22-24 2016, USA; Toxicology and Risk Assessment Conference April 04-07 2016, USA; The XIV International Congress of Toxicology October 02-06 2016, Mexico; 18th International Conference on Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology May 23-24 2016, UK; 10th International Conference on Risk Analysis May 25-27 2016, Greece; The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference May 08-12 2016, USA,Society of Toxicology; ASPET - American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics; British Toxicology Society
A dose-response relationship describes how the likelihood and severity of adverse health effects (the responses) are related to the amount and condition of exposure to an agent (the dose provided). The shape of the dose-response relationship depends on the agent, the kind of response (tumor, incidence of disease, death etc.), and the experimental subject (human, animal) in question. For example, there may be one relationship for a response such as ‘weight loss’ and a different relationship for another response such as 'death'. The toxicity and exposure assessments are summarized and integrated into quantitative and qualitative expressions of risk. To characterize potential non carcinogenic effects, comparisons are made between projected intakes of substances and toxicity values; to characterize potential carcinogenic effects, probabilities that an individual will develop cancer over a lifetime of exposure are estimated from projected intakes and chemical-specific dose-response information. Major assumptions, scientific judgments, and to the extent possible, estimates of the uncertainties embodied in the assessment are also presented and importance of species selection in drug toxicity testing.
Related Cancer Risk Assessment Conferences | Cancer Therapy Conference | Breast Cancer Conference
Cancer Diagnostics Conference & Expo June 13-15 2016, Italy; 8th Euro Global Summit on Cancer Therapy November 03-05 2015, Spain; 10th Global Annual Oncologists Meeting July 11-13 2016, Germany; 2nd International Conference on Prostate Cancer and Treatment May 05-07 2016, USA; Experts Meeting on Gynaecologic Oncology May 19-21 2016, USA; International Cancer Study & Therapy Conference April 04-06 2016, USA; ELCC 2016 European Lung Cancer Conference April 13-16 2016, Switzerland; IMPAKT 2016 Conference on Breast Cancer May 12-14 2016, Belgium; Molecular and Cellular Basis of Breast Cancer Risk and Prevention November 12-15 2016, USA; Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research July 09-12 2016, United Kingdom,Society of Occupational Medicine; Ecetoc - European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals; Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; British Toxicology Society
Environmental Hazardous Waste Management
In most developed countries, domestic waste disposal is funded from a national or local tax which may be related to income, or notional house value. Commercial and industrial waste disposal is typically charged for as a commercial service, often as an integrated charge which includes disposal costs. This practice may encourage disposal contractors to opt for the cheapest disposal option such as landfill rather than the environmentally best solution such as re-use and recycling to prevent from Environmental Toxicology.
In some areas such as Taipei, the city government charges its households and industries for the volume of rubbish they produce. Waste will only be collected by the city council if waste is disposed in government issued rubbish bags. This policy has successfully reduced the amount of waste the city produces and increased the recycling rate in vitro drug toxicity testing.
Related Environmental Hazardous Waste Management Conferences | Conference on Pollution Control | Conference on Energy Efficiency
International Conference on Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment April 25-26 2016, UAE; 5th International Conference on Occupational Health and Safety June 06-07 2016, USA; 4th Global Summit on Healthcare November 09-11 2015, UAE; International Conference on Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine May 02-03 2016, USA; ICIHWM 2016: 18th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management January 21 - 22, 2016; 1st Pan American Waste to Energy Conference March 3rd 2016; 5th Conference on Power-to-Gas March 16th,2016; 12th Exhibition and Conference on Energy Efficiency & Renewables for South-East Europe April 4-7, 2016 Sofia, Inter Expo Centre, Society of Occupational Medicine; Toxicology Group - Royal Society of Chemistry; SECOTOX - International Society of Ecotoxicology.
Proposals for mitigation measures should be accompanied with an implementation programme together with all detailed treatment, elevations and landscape in scaled plans and drawings. A rescue plan, when required, may involve preservation of an archaeological site "by record", i.e. through excavation to extract the maximum data; full historical, cartographical, photographic and photogrammetric records of a historical building; re-erection of a stone tablet in a suitable amenities plot.
The programme for conducting and undertaking the agreed mitigation measures should be able to be implemented. In particular, to define and list out clearly the proposed mitigation measures to be implemented; by whom, when, where, to what requirements these measures are to be implemented; and the various implementation responsibilities. A comprehensive plan and programme for the protection and conservation of a partially preserved site of cultural heritage, if any, during construction stage of the proposed project must be detailed.
Related Mitigation Measures Conferences | Conference on Public Health | Conference on Biodiversity
International Conference on Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment April 25-26 2016, UAE; 5th International Conference on Biodiversity March 10-12 2016, Spain; World Congress on Public Health and Nutrition March 10-12 2016, Spain; 2nd World Congress and Expo on Recycling July 25-27 2016, Germany; ICCCGW 2016: 18th International Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming February 25 - 26, 2016; 5th Young Environmental Scientists Meeting February 28th-March 3rd, 2016; SETAC North America Focused Topic Meeting: Envy Quality Implications of Unconventional Natural Gas March 17-19,2016; SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting May 7-11,2016 Brussels rue Mont des Arts Brussels 1000, Belgiu , Ecetoc - European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals; Society of Toxicology; ASPET - American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.
ConferenceSeries Ltd Conferences invites all the participants from all over the world to attend ‘International Conference on Environmental Toxicology and Ecological Risk Assessment’ during September 12-13, 2016 at Phoenix, USA which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.
Environmental Toxicology is highly interdisciplinary fields encompassing several fields like Environmental Biochemistry, physiology, ecology, microbiology, molecular genetics, genomics etc., Main analyses are made by conducting several lab works and field environment i.e., exposure and risk assessment. ConferenceSeries Ltd organizes a conference series of 1000+ Global Events inclusive of 300+ Conferences, 500+ Upcoming and Previous Symposiums and Workshops in USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.
Why to attend???
Environmental Toxicology Conference 2016 Summit offers a unique window and opportunities to present and evidence the latest updates with a holistic approach to different areas of interest. We have done our utmost to get rid of the traditional “silo” approach in the elaboration of the program and most importantly, during the active sessions, in order to foster innovation and scientific curiosity. Thus, our intention is, to create platforms which will gather eminent scientists who will undoubtedly enrich our meeting during the Q&A sections.
We have tried to compile a scientific program that we hope will be appealing to experienced, aspiring and young scientists. The organizers truly hope that your participation at the summit will encourage a creative networking atmosphere between Academia and Industry. If we are able to achieve this, even in a modest fashion, our expectations will be fulfilled.
Target Audience:
- Environmental Toxicology Students, Scientists
- Environmental Toxicology Researchers
- Environmental Toxicology Faculty
- Environmental Toxicology Associations and Societies
- Noble laureates in Health Care and Medicine
- Toxicology Professionals
- Business Entrepreneurs
- Training Institutes
- Software developing companies
- Data Management Companies
Summary: Environmental Toxicology 2016 welcomes attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world to Phoenix, USA. We are delighted to invite you all to attend and register for the “5th International Conference on Environmental Toxicology and Ecological Risk Assessment (Environmental Toxicology 2016)” which is going to be held during September 12-13, 2016 at Phoenix, USA. The organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at the Environmental Toxicology-2016, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. All the members of Environmental Toxicology 2016 organizing committee look forward to meet you at Phoenix, USA.
Importance and Scope:
Environmental toxicology is a field of study in the environmental sciences that is concerned with the assessment of toxic substances in the environment. Although it is based on toxicology, environmental toxicology draws heavily on principles and techniques from other fields, including biochemistry, cell biology, developmental biology, and genetics. Among its primary interests are the assessment of toxic substances in the environment, the monitoring of environments for the presence of toxic substances, the effects of toxins on biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems, and the metabolism and biological and environmental fate of toxins.
The scientific program of Environmental Toxicology encompasses a plenary session, symposia, workshops, panel discussions, informational sessions, regional sessions and poster sessions. Environmental Toxicology enhances opportunities for educational development and to exchange the knowledge in ecotoxicology and its applications.
Why Phoenix, USA?
Phoenix is the capital of the state of Arizona, located in Southwestern United States adjacent to the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado (at “4 corners”), and New Mexico. Arizona shares a vibrant border with Mexico that facilitates trade between the U.S. and Latin America.
Phoenix is located in the heart of the fastest growing and most dynamic metropolitan area in the country with a population of over 4 million people. Phoenix has a population of 1.6 million and is the fifth largest city in the United States, forecast to be at least #4 by 2020. Adjacent cities include Scottsdale, Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, and Surprise – and other nearby cities include Tucson, Yuma, and Flagstaff.
Metro Phoenix Economy
For the past 20 years, Phoenix consistently ranked as one of the fastest growing economies of all metro areas in the United States. The value of goods and services produced in the Phoenix metro area reached $187.4 billion in 2008, larger than the output of many countries.
The information technology industry is very robust with hundreds of companies involved in software development, or computer system integration or providing internet service.
Tourism and recreational services are important segments of the economy. Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport serves 40 million passengers a year. It is one of the nation’s top ten busiest airports and is ranked 19th in the world for passenger traffic. Sky Harbor Airport is also known as the world’s friendliness airport!
Economic Development
The Community and Economic Development Department at the city of Phoenix can help investors obtain tax credits, low-interest loans, training grants and detailed information about real estate and demographics.
Conference series LLC selected Phoenix to conduct its conference on “Environmental Toxicology 2016” so as to provide the speakers and participants with an opportunity for interacting and to explore and exchange their ideas globally so as to control and regulate the Eco-toxicity from various aspects of cleaner production environments.
Conference Highlights:
- Environmental toxicity
- Environmental Stressors
- Occupational Toxicology
- Regulatory Toxicology
- Risk Assessment
- Cancer Risk Assessment
- Ecotoxicology
- Aquatic Toxicology
- Environmental sciences
- Risk Analysis
Major Associations around the Globe:
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Toxicology Group, Royal Society of Chemistry
- Society of Toxicology
- American College of Toxicology
- Belgian Society of Toxicology and Ecotoxicology
- British Toxicology Society
- United States Environmental Protection Agency
- World Federation of Public Health Association
Major Associations in USA:
- American College of Toxicology
- Society of Toxicology, USA (SOT)
- Genetic Toxicology Association
- American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Safety Pharmacology Society
- Royal Society of Chemistry
Top Universities in USA:
- Harvard University
- Stanford University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Princeton University
- Yale University
- Columbia University
- California Institute of Technology
- University of Pennsylvania
- Cornell University
- University of Chicago
Target Audience:
- Environmental Toxicology Students, Scientists
- Environmental Toxicology Researchers
- Environmental Toxicology Faculty
- Environmental Toxicology Associations and Societies
- Noble laureates in Health Care and Medicine
- Toxicology Professionals
- Business Entrepreneurs
- Training Institutes
- Software developing companies
- Data Management Companies
Market Analysis:
Environmental toxicology provides information on the hazards posed by a toxics like pesticides to non-target plants and animals, both on land and in bodies of water. According to BCC Research’s Global Market for Bio pesticides report, global pesticide market was valued at $37.5 billion in 2011 and should reach $46.1 billion in 2012. Total market value is expected to reach $65.3 billion in 2017 after increasing at a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.2%.
The market for pesticides can be broken down into two segments: synthetic pesticides and bio pesticides. As a segment, synthetic pesticides should total $44 billion in 2012 and $61.5 billion in 2017, a CAGR of 7%.Biopesticides are expected to total $2.1 billion in 2012, and surpass $3.7 billion in 2017, a CAGR of 12%. The global volume market for pesticides is projected to reach 3.2 million tons by 2019, with a CAGR for volume growth being 6.1% between 2014 and 2020. The global value market for pesticides is projected to reach $81.13 billion by 2019, expected to register a CAGR of 6.9%. Growth is expected to be higher in the developing countries of South America and Asia.
The global market for air pollution control equipment reached nearly $56.6 billion and $61 billion in 2013 and 2014, respectively. This market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% to $78.4 billion for the period 2014-2019.
Conference Highlights
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Conference Date | September 12-13, 2016 | ||
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