Abdul Rohim Tualeka, Fransisca Anggiyostiana Sirait and Fatma Nuriyanti Mochtar
Airlangga University, Indonesia
Abdul Rohim Tualeka is a Lecturer at Department Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health Faculty, Airlangga University, Indonesia since 1998. He has specialization in Industrial Toxicology, Industrial Hygiene, and risk management. His book publications are Industrial Toxicology and Risk Assessment, Toxicological Metals and Clinical Toxicology (Detox Benzene). He has certificates of Environmental Management Adviser A, Environmental Management Adviser B, Specialist OHS and Certificate of Development Management. He has research experiences in toxicology, including detoxification benzene by foods that rich enzyme CYP2E1, risk assessment benzene at environmental working and risk assessment benzene and CO to the worker in Industry Otomotif Workshop. His journal publications include: safe duration Pb in environmental working effect of food containing high Fe (urine), intake to urinary trans-trans muconic aid (ttMA) level of workers exposed to Benzene and insurance as effort to control risk of benzene in shoe worker in Surabaya.
Abstract : Correlation between benzene concentrations with trans and trans-muconic acid